Monday, April 6, 2015

Stretch Your Playground Budget and Get More With BCI Burke Better Built Playground Equipment Grant

Spring is the time of year we all look forward to...especially on the playground!  For those of you making plans for new playground equipment this spring, we are pleased to have the support of our manufacturer offering our clients ways to help stretch their budgets and get better equipment for their dollar. I have included those details below and the links you need to get your applications submitted.

BCI Burke is making it possible to get the playground of your dreams on a budget you can actually afford!  We understand the difficulties that schools, cities and playground providers are faced with in today's tough budget environment.  We also believe a big investment like a playground should last you a lifetime or even more. We are excited to announce that $1 million of in-kind grants are available so you can build your BETTER playspace by purchasing our industry-leading playgrounds.

Call Buell Recreation at 1-800-266-1250 for details.


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